The ants won’t hurt your tree, but they harbor aphid eggs. The aphids don’t hurt your crepe myrtle tree, but they will create a sticky mess on the tree leaves. Not the end of the world, depending on where your crepe myrtle tree is. Ants rarely disappear;they’ll just show up somewhere else.Click to see full answer. Furthermore, how do I keep ants off my crepe myrtle?To get rid of ants on the crape myrtle, reduce or eliminate the source of honeydew. Most sap-sucking insects feed in colonies on foliage undersides and young twigs. Wash these insects off using a powerful spray of water from the garden hose.Similarly, what animal eats crepe myrtles? Several predators feed on the crape myrtle aphid. These include ladybird beetles (ladybugs) and their larvae (immature forms), green lacewings and their larvae, hover fly maggots, parasitic wasps, and entomophagous (insect feeding) fungi. Hereof, can ants harm trees? Ants are drawn to trees for two reasons. They’re searching for sweet honeydew left behind by other insects, or they’re making themselves at home inside trees with cavities and rotten wood. Generally, ants themselves don’t damage a tree.What causes crepe myrtles to die?If you are seeing brown leaves on your crepe myrtle plant in the spring, it could be due to your area experiencing a cold snap. Crepe myrtle is not as tolerant of cold weather as many bushes are. An untimely drop in temperature after the tender leaves have made their appearance can spell death for them.